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Emergency Alert

New Website Coming September 2024!

Elections and Voting

View the candidate packet, candidates’ questions and answers, VoteTexas voter notices, early and election day voting locations and other campaign and election information.

Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

Learn about the EMS billing process and how to submit compliments, complaints or other inquiries. In addition, CCFD provides financial assistance to patients who meet the qualifications for financial assistance through the Charitable Care Program.

Evacuation Routes & Maps

Citizens should prepare a plan well in advance of an evacuation.

Excess Flow Valves

An Excess Flow Valve (EFV) is a safety device designed to automatically limit the flow of natural gas when the flow of gas through the device exceeds a predetermined level. Learn more about Excess Flow Valves here.

Facility Maintenance

Facility Maintenance was created to provide comprehensive oversight of asset management and facility maintenance, improving efficiency and effectiveness of City operations.

Fair Housing

The Homeless Services and Workforce Housing Division assists City residents to ensure that they receive equal housing opportunities.

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