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Aging infrastructure, including streets, is a nationwide problem. Street conditions have been a priority for elected officials and residents for over a decade, with no easy and no single solution. The Rapid Pavement Program (RPP), formerly known as the Infrastructure Management Program (IMP) is a five-year rolling program that focuses on the maintenance of Corpus Christi streets.

The Infrastructure Management Plan (IMP) is made up of four programs.

The RPP is made up of four programs:

  • Street Preventative Maintenance Program (SPMP) - Includes residential, local, collector, and arterial streets.
  • In-House Rehabilitation - Consists of mainly residentials and residential collectors.
  • Residential Street Reconstruction Program (RSRP) - Only residentials and residential collectors.
  • Concrete Street Maintenance - Mainly Arterials & collectors.


IMP 2024-2028 Street Projects Map

Full list of IMP 2024-2028 Street Projects