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Ensuring Bicycle Safety for Children
Bicycle safety is crucial for ensuring the well-being of children as they ride their bikes. It is essential to educate children on the importance of following safety measures to prevent accidents and injuries while enjoying this popular outdoor activity.

  • Providing children with properly fitting helmets to protect their heads in case of falls or collisions.
  • Teaching children the road rules, including signaling, stopping at stop signs, and yielding to pedestrians.
  • Ensuring that bicycles are the right size for children to maintain control while riding.
  • Checking that bikes have reflectors and lights for visibility, especially when riding in low-light conditions.
  • Encouraging children to ride in safe areas such as parks, bike paths, or designated bike lanes.
  • Supervising young children while riding to ensure they follow safety guidelines.
  • Emphasizing the importance of wearing bright and reflective clothing to increase visibility to drivers and other cyclists.



Walk. Bike. Safe. Texas - Center for Transportation Safety (

Resources Archive - Center for Transportation Safety (

Walk Bike Safe Texas (